Stunning Wild Swimming Locations in Scotland

There’s nothing quite like a swim in nature. Wild swimming, sometimes known as outdoor or open water swimming, is an extra special watersport in Scotland. Here, it means gliding into a still loch in the shadows of Munros and castles, or slipping straight into the salty seas of the Atlantic Ocean or North Sea.

Read on for some of the top wild swimming spots loved by outdoors influencers and enthusiasts across Scotland and discover more about this activity and how best to stay safe on the water if you’re just getting started.

Read the Water Safety Code 

    Top tips for wild swimming

    • Go with a friend – Never swim alone, even if you are an experienced swimmer. 
    • Keep it quick – Take it slowly, go in and out quickly to get used to the feeling of the cold water, and stay close to the shoreline.
    • Do your research – Pick your spots carefully and take recommendations from other swimmers and community groups. Lochs in particular can have sudden drops around the edges, making them particularly deep. 
    • Wear a colourful swim cap
    • Warm up afterwards – Get changed quickly and make sure you come prepared with lots of layers

    Stop and think, spot the dangers. Read the full Open Water Swimming Safety Code | PDF 0.2MB

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